Electrician On Call is Recognized Among the Top 25 Electrical Contractors in Dallas for 2021
The team at Electrician On Call is thrilled to announce that we've been recognized 3 years in a row by Expertise.com as one of the the top electricians in the Dallas area!

Expertise.com is a customer review platform with a rigorous criteria to find the best local businesses by performing a secret shopper and online reputation trace to determine which home service providers provide the best quality service. Expertise.com reviews the top service professionals in over 200 industries across the U.S. Each month, the company researches more than 60,000 businesses to help customers find the best-qualified professional for their needs. The research process is always evolving to keep up with industry changes, so we're confident that when we we're listed as a provider, we're among the top providers!
Electrician On Call was rated A+ in the following critical categories:
Responsiveness: A+
Friendliness: A+
Helpfulness: A+
Detail: A+
With a team of licensed, certified and technical tradespeople that care about the quality of service and overall customer experience, it creates a worry-free atmosphere for residential and commercial customers.
We thank all our loyal customers for nominating, supporting and recommending our small business!
Check out our nomination information by visiting Expertise.com!
Electrical, Heating, Cooling, Ventilation & Air Quality
www.ElectricianOnCall.com | (214) 235 - 7251 | #EOCDFW #EOCares